Date Wed, Feb 01, 2023


Parents wonder about the best way to raise their children and get them to the best possible level on the educational and academic levels, as well as on the social and professional levels. The best way to do this is to understand the children’s personality, what distinguishes each personality from the other, and how to best deal with each personality. In this article, we will talk about the most common types of children’s personalities and the most important features of each type.

Are there personality types in children?

Of course yes, there is no child who is similar to another in his characteristics, as each child has his own characteristics that are unique from the other, but there is a group of characteristics that make up the personality patterns in children that are similar among children who have the same personality pattern. As we mentioned, parents need to understand the personality patterns of their children in order to know how to best deal with them.

What are the personality types of children?

Personality patterns are defined as a set of moral characteristics of a person that distinguish him from other individuals. The personality pattern that distinguishes an individual is what determines the way the individual deals with the society around him, whether in his home, school, or future work. It also determines his way of thinking and the way he learns and perceives all things around him.

Factors affecting children's personality types

The patterns and characteristics of children's personality patterns are affected by genetic factors, as heredity plays a major role in shaping the child's personality. The environment in which the child lives also affects the acquisition of new traits or the manifestation of the genetic trait in a way that is more compatible with the nature of the environment in which he lives. The child is also affected by his peers around him, whether at school or elsewhere. All of these factors affect the formation of the child's personality and the way he deals with the events around him.

The most distinctive children's personality types:

  1. The explorer child.
  2. The shy child.
  3. Child artist.
  4. The giving child.
  5. The thinking child.
  6. The child is the center of attention.

What is the personality type of the explorer child? What are its characteristics?

An exploratory child is a child who has curiosity and a desire to explore things around him. Children of this type tend to touch and experience everything around them, which may expose them to danger on many occasions. This type of child is usually socially distinguished as well.

The characteristics of the personality types of children who love exploration are their love of science and knowledge, which when met with the development and care of this talent by the parents, leads to the development of the child’s mental growth , which also helps him excel in his studies. This type of child is somewhat reckless, so parents must teach their children how to deal with caution and care and not be reckless.

Another characteristic of this personality is that they have a great deal of activity and enthusiasm in work, which when exploited leads to the child’s social and academic progress. This child also tends to rely on himself in most of his daily work, so he can be relied upon in many cases. Parents must treat this type of child like adults to give him the self-confidence necessary for his mental and psychological development and growth .

The personality type of the shy child and its characteristics.

This type of child is shy and does not want to communicate with adults or even children of the same age. Rather, he prefers to remain alone. He is also an unsociable child and does not prefer to be in groups.

This personality, as we mentioned earlier, is characterized by being a socially weak personality that always needs support from parents to help them engage with others, teach them how to speak politely, and not be afraid of being in gatherings attended by several people.

These personalities are also characterized by being organized and planning-loving personalities, so parents working on developing their good planning skills leads to a noticeable development in their personalities and mental growth . These personalities are characterized by the fact that most of them are obedient, easy to lead, and respond quickly to the instructions of adults.

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The personality type of the artistic child and its characteristics.

A child artist is a child who has a high level of skill in many artistic works. It can be considered a talent more than a personality type, but this type of child needs to develop their skills highly to reach a distinguished level. Children of this type can reach a high level better than the level of adult artists as well, withcontinuous training and care for their talent .

This personality also has high ambition and a desire to achieve many dreams, some of which may be unrealistic and unattainable. These personalities do not tend to be organized or highly planned, so parents must pay attention to teaching them organization and good planning.

The personality type of the giving child and its characteristics.

The personality type of the giving child is considered one of the most common personality types in children. One of the most important features of this personality type is that it constantly offers help to those around it, and always offers sympathy to those around it. This personality type always bears responsibility for those around it and wants to make them happy.

The advantages of this personality lie in the desire to give and constantly help, and the disadvantages of this personality may also revolve around this matter, as his excessive giving may lead some people to exploit him. The role of the parents is to teach the son how to maintain his personality and dedication to helping others without being exploited by them.

This type of personality is also sensitive to the opinions of others about him, and most of the time he is a social person who loves gatherings where they meet their family and friends.

Thinking child personality type and its characteristics

This type of child appears as a calm child who always has a vision and a goal for the events of his life. This type also has a stubborn personality and is determined to achieve his desires, but he is calm in his way of reaching his goals.

These types of children always want to make plans and follow them, and they feel frustrated if their plans do not go the way they want. These personalities are also very organized and get angry when they see things around them disorganized.

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The child's personality type and characteristics are the focus of attention.

This type of child is a person who has a high charisma that is often innate and not acquired. He is also a very social person, and loves to attend family gatherings as well as friends’ gatherings. He is also a smooth talker and a person who loves to appear and talk in front of everyone.

This type of child has many features, as we mentioned, that make him the focus of everyone's attention. This type also loves teamwork, in which he often plays the role of team leader, because he also possesses many leadership qualities. Parents fear that this type of child will become arrogant and feel superior at times.

The development of children's skills and talents depends primarily on the role of parents , and activating the role of parents depends on their awareness of how to achieve this, and the first way to achieve this is a good understanding of their children's psychology and how to deal with them correctly to avoid problems and psychological disorders and to bring their children to the best possible academic and social level.

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